8 ways to be a more thankful person


  1. List three good things that happened to you at the end of each day. Write them down or even better, say them out loud. Do this with your kids, family or partner. 
  2. Start a gratitude journal. Keep a journal and write down small things that happened throughout your day. You might even want to keep a note on your phone with the same concept.
  3. Thank your body and mind daily for what they do for you. Your body is doing a lot to simply keep you alive. Thank it for all it does for you without you even having to think about it.
  4. Tell others that you are grateful for them. This applies to family, friends, your significant other, and even yourself. Tell your friend that you are grateful to have them in your life. Tell your family member how excited you are to see them this week. It can be short and simple. 
  5. Pay attention to the small things. The crisp morning air, the smell of your coffee, the softness of your dogs fur. These small moments often spark the greatest joy and deepest feelings of gratitude. 
  6. Look at the people around you. What are they going through? What are they accomplishing? Where can we be proud of other people in our life and express gratitude towards them?
  7. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. It’s easy to recall the good things we have going for us when someone else we know is struggling. Sometimes we take things for granted and we haven’t even realized it. Remember to have empathy for others going through hardship. 
  8. Create a gratitude ritual. This could be a prayer, a journal, a mindset meditation. Even 5 minutes of commitment to gratitude can be hugely impactful. 

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