How to make and keep your New Years resolutions


  1. Make your goals small and achievable (you’re more likely to drink one more glass of water per day rather than a gallon. Challenge yourself with something small then surprise yourself when you go above and beyond). 
  2. Never let yourself slip two times in a row (for example, if you forget to meditate one day, it’s not the end of the world, just make sure you do it the next day).
  3. Make your goals more fun/enjoyable (for example, if you want to walk more in the new year, make it fun for yourself by getting into a podcast or audiobook. Put on a cute workout set and get those steps in).
  4. Utilize visualization (visualize yourself achieving your goals. What does your future self look like? What does he/she do? Visualize yourself as your best self).
  5. Get support (ask your friends/family to hold you accountable. Find people who will support you with your resolutions). 
  6. Give yourself grace (it's hard to change your habits, and you might make mistakes along the way. Give yourself grace when you mess up and praise yourself for making small changes. Small changes add up and are better than none!)

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